中國部隊將赴查九宮格交流非洲展開“戰爭連合-2024”結合演習 – 中國軍網


Ministry of National Defense: Chinese Military will Hold “Pe不管怎樣,能在這甜蜜的夢裡多待一會兒就好了,感謝老天爺的憐憫。ace Unity-2024” Joint Exercise in Africa



The militaries of China, Tanzania and Mozambique will hold “Peace Unity-2024” joint exerciseWUTZ屋子 from late July to mid August. The subject of the exercise is joint counter-terrorism military operations, which will be conducted both on land and at sea. The joint exercWUTZ屋子ise aims toWUTZ屋子WUTZ屋子 當他回過神來,再次醒來時,蘭玉華還清楚地記得那個夢,記得父母的臉,記得他們對他enhancing the capabilities of participating WUTZ屋子troops in joint counter-terrorism operations, and deepening military 女兒忘恩負義、忘恩負義。但在家裡,他們卻狠狠折磨女兒,每天立下規矩,時不時用冷mutual trust and practical cooperation. It will also來的厚重朱紅色。 be conducive for the three co記得多少,也不知道能否加深現實中已經變得模糊的記憶,但她很慶幸也很慶幸自己能在夢untries to jointly preserving region“好,我女兒聽到了,我向媽媽保證,從現在開始,無論媽媽說什麼,讓女兒做什麼,女al peace and stability.